Thursday, December 4, 2008

Birthday Photo Dump

Birthday started off right, when my Black Friday off-brand TV showed up early. It works! And it's flat.

Also Senior showed up in time to get some pho.

Ana took me to fancy dinner, so I wore my Sunday clothes.

Then we met up with friends, and Patso had worked his magic again:

And Riff Raff was there. She says I always take creepy pictures of us, which I disagree with but tried to take one anyway:


Anonymous said...

i like that "old people wear suits" foto. i assume that you took it yourself in the mirror, but it looks like someone took a picture of you as you were getting an unsettling text message.

probably the message that i sent to let you know i couldn't come out that night.

Anonymous said...

That photo didn't come out. I was pulling out my hair with both hands.